We make regular donations to charitable community groups. Organisations that might not qualify for donations as a charitable organisation can still apply to OceanaGold for assistance in the form of sponsorships.
Donation Criteria
How we allocate funds
The community investment team meets in the last week of each month to consider the written requests that have been received by the required date. The team works within a budget and uses the following guidelines when considering applications:
The request may be approved if the application meets any of the following criteria:
The project is an activity that will take place within this region and the benefits will be apparent in this region.
The organisation requesting funds is used/supported by the community and provides services to the youth, aged, disadvantaged and/or needy.
The application will enhance educational opportunities.
The recipients have demonstrated an ability to help themselves, rather than depend on contributions from the company.
The application is for groups who represent their school, community, or region at recognised national or international events/competitions.
The recipient has limited opportunities to receive other substantial funding.
The project is not a commercial or business venture.
The project being funded will deliver sustainable benefits to the community.
The project will enhance OceanaGold’s reputation in the community and is relevant to Social Licence to Operate (SLTO) values.
For an application to be declined, at least one of the following criteria must be applied:
The application is for an individual.
There are potential negative reputational impacts to OceanaGold.
The reputation of the organisation requesting sponsorship/donation does not align with OceanaGold values.
The project will take place outside the region and will not provide any local benefit.
The assistance given would be used for a business or commercial venture, including third parties advertising for products and services.
The applicant has not provided enough detail in the request to enable the company to assess whether the assistance meets criteria for approval or decline.
The project is deemed to be politically motivated this includes applications by political parties or campaigns.
The application is for a religious organisation (except in relation to programs offered by the welfare branches of religious organisation eg: food bank’s).
The applicant already receives substantial funds from elsewhere.
There could be legal issues involved that could implicate OceanaGold.
There could be environmental issues involved that are not in line with OceanaGold values.
The assistance requested is to be used to clear/help clear a debt.
Granting the request could be seen by the company as obvious favouritism.
The applicant has made no/little attempt to acknowledge any past assistance from OceanaGold.
There is not enough funds in the budget.
The applicant has previously received funding but has not provided receipts as proof of expenditures on the approved activity.
The request is retrospective.
No donations will be made towards cash prize money.
How to complete a Sponsorship & Donation application
OceanaGold is pleased to be able to support individuals and groups in our community through in-kind assistance or a donation. These notes are designed to assist you as you complete the application form. The more we know, the easier it is for us to process your request.
Things you should know:
You must provide a postal address and your telephone number so we can contact you if we need to.
We require a bank deposit slip. This should be included with your application.
If you or the organisation you are applying on behalf of are GST registered we will need the GST number.
You must provide quotes for items you wish to purchase.
You must provide purchase receipts after your event to show where the donation money has been used, failure to do so will result in us declining future applications.
We will not consider a donation for events that have passed or for items already purchased and paid for.
How will you acknowledge OceanaGold Waihi?
Appropriate public acknowledgment in return for the support we provide is expected. We have promotional banners. Recipients can collect these from us to display at the venue of the event or project. The OceanaGold logo can be supplied for inclusion in programmes, advertising or other written material.
We would like to know how our assistance will be acknowledged. Here are some possibilities.
Place the OceanaGold logo on uniforms, equipment, advertising or paperwork. We can provide you with a logo by email.
Erect signage or borrow some of our core flute signs.
Mention us in your newsletter or website.
Acknowledge us at your AGM, prize giving or official opening.
Name an event, team or competition after OceanaGold.
How to apply for assistance
Please download and fill in this application form when applying for assistance.
Applications for the current month must be with us by the 15th of the month. Applications received after this date will be considered at the next month’s meeting.
Please send your application to:
Community Investment Team
PO box 190
WAIHI 3641
E: Jeannine.Wiki@oceanagold.com
Please note that we require purchase receipts for our records. This should be a copy of receipts for goods purchased for the donation amount. For example, if you have received funds for travel to a tournament, we will require a receipt for that travel.